LionAid would like to wish all our dear friends a wonderful festive season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. Truly, without your wonderful and committed support we would not have been able to financially survive these pandemic years. Looking back on 2021, we have been able to achieve much despite all the restrictions and lockdowns. We have made progress in the UK ban on lion trophy hunting imports, continued to push for improved lion conservation agendas in Zambia and Botswana, made good progress on launching a lion depredation mitigation project in Kenya (we are organizing a climb of Kilimanjaro with intrepid volunteers to secure much needed funding for this project!), and will continue to support collaborating organizations in South Africa to bring forward plans to shut down lion breeding for commercial use. Once we are able to travel again we are planning visits to Kenya, Botswana and Zambia for face-to-face meetings with politicians and conservationists to encourage better lion conservation measures and to encourage nationwide, independently conducted lion population surveys. We are straining at the bit! Thank you again for all your wonderful support, and let’s continue to ensure a better future for Africa’s wild lions!