These galleries show images from LionAid Campaigns.

Campaign, March 2010 - "Where Have All the Lions Gone?"

In March 2010, LionAid  initiated a campaign in the UK that drove home a powerful message about the survival of lions in the wild.

The message? Lose lions in the wild, and lose them at home. Extinction on the African plains means loss of icons and symbols. Imagine a life without lions, including those you are so used to?

So on March 1st, LionAid embarked on a 12 city tour, covering iconic lion monuments with a black shroud for the day in some of our favourite cities.

Beginning in Glasgow with the magnificent Cenotaph lions in George Square, we continued to cover lions in Blantyre, Blackpool, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham, Norwich, Bath, Portsmouth, Isle of Wight and culminated in Trafalgar Square with perhaps the most famous lion monuments of all!

In each city, we had a wonderful welcome and met Lord Mayors, Leaders of City Councils, The Lord Provost in Glasgow and the Deputy Sheriff in Norwich.

We also met Andrew Turner, MP in the Isle of Wight and he then went on to secure the debate on lions with us in Parliament on the 17th November.

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Those wonderful lions in GlasgowIn Stanley Park, BlackpoolThe covered lion in Trafalgar SquareIn Trafalgar Square on a very wet March morningAt the Isle of Wight Zoo On Cowes seafront in the Isle of Wight
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In Trafalgar Square on a very wet March morning

In Trafalgar Square on a very wet March morning

Our own Dr. Pieter Kat, risking life and limb covering up one of the magnificent lions in Trafalgar Square on the 31st March, bringing to a close an exciting campaign covering 12 cities across the UK.