Kids for Lions, Action, Conservation & Education

Education is key to change and LionAid are pioneers in lion research. Over the years we've worked closely with schools to enrich the education of pupils while also giving kids a chance to make a real difference to one of the most loved animals at risk. "Kids for Lions" is our initiative to engage directly with schools, parents and importantly kids, who are tomorrows leaders and decision makers.
- Young Ambassadors: - Become an ambassador for saving lions. We'll help you every step of the way and provide the information, guidance and advice you need. It's a great way to learn about leadership and to know you are making a difference to help save lions.
- Skype Classroom: - Interactive video lessons anywhere in the world taught by our LionAid lion experts. Learn about conservation, lions, and wildlife in this fun, interesting and educationally rich experience.
- Fund Raising Kits: - Many schools contact us asking how they can help. We've got advice and kits making it easy for your school to get involved. Best of all when you raise funds you'll know they go directly towards projects helping to save lions.
- Special Educational Events: - From time to time we go into schools with special events. It might be visiting Masai Warriors from Africa, or talks about what it's like on the ground in Africa dealing with poachers and working with local tribes people. Get in touch to discover how we can help enrich your syllabus, whether it's biology, social sciences, zoology, politics or even economics. Lion conservation has many aspects.
- Learn About Lions Online: - Our FAQs section has lots of interesting information about lions.
- Download a Free Teaching Pack: - We have free PDF teaching packs designed to meet current school curriculum criteria.