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Tag: canned hunting ban

LionAid salutes Australia!

Saturday 14th March 2015

Jason Wood


Yesterday, legislation was passed to prevent any further imports of lion products into Australia – including hunting trophies. Australia becomes the first country in the world to take this highly necessary step.
What this also proves is that by bringing politicians on side who then propose and pass such legislation can be a highly effective conservation measure. In Australia’s case, we all need to be thankful of the efforts by Jason Wood MP and Environment Minister Greg Hunt.
Jason has called on all other nations to follow Australia’s example. We will take his message to the European Parliament next week where we have been working tirelessly to get similar legislation passed. As the EU consists of 28 Member States the process will be perhaps more difficult but the ultimate reward even more satisfying. Already LionAid has achieved a ban on imports of any lion trophies from western African countries – Benin, Burkina Faso and Cameroon – where lions are beyond endangered with only 400 animals remaining.
Lions are a highly endangered species. Trophy hunting offtake should in no way influence their future, and already far too many dead lion males have been exported from Africa to satisfy the egos of trophy hunters and the pockets of trophy hunting operators and their friends in government.
Australia has shown that truly conservation minded countries do have a voice against the continued slaughter – they can say NO MORE.


BUT such political action does not happen in isolation. An Australian woman, Donalea Patman, started the process by approaching Jason Wood with her concerns. LionAid provided support, advice and much background information, and then Jason took up the baton.

The announcement by Environment Minister Greg Hunt has made headlines all over the world, and we hope that many other countries will now emulate Australia. Greg Hunt also thanked the work of Jason Wood, the Federal MP who pushed very hard in Parliament to obtain the votes to make this happen.

But we do not want a very important name in this process to be lost in all the congratulations.

Yesterday’s success all started with one person – Donalea Patman. She took it upon herself to write to her MP – Jason Wood – and then followed up with a dedicated campaign to get Jason not only on board but fully informed about the tragic decline of lions in Africa, the need to cease the contribution of trophy hunting to this decline, the role that nations like Australia can play in global conservation of endangered species, and the need to cease canned hunting on which so many Australian “hunters” depend to gain their lion trophies.

Yes, Donalea had a great ally in Jason Wood, but it was her initial efforts and dedication to lion conservation that led to this result. We might not know who invented the wheel or who first played golf, but we do know who set the spark that led to the eventual lion trophy import ban in Australia.

It just goes to show what one person can achieve – a result better than all the highly paid lobbyists from the big conservation corporations put together.

So here’s to you Donalea, we are all in your debt for this fantastic achievement.

Add a comment | Posted by Chris Macsween at 19:31