
Latest Lion Aid News


Paul Meek photo

Please help us.

Our project in Kenya is very successful  and lions (and other predators) are no longer being killed in retaliation for livestock losses. We now need new funding to properly progress the scheme to more villages in the ecosystem. The project not only stops lions being killed but it absolutely transforms the lives of the communities we have so far been able to help – and the children in those communities are doing so much better at school. And that’s before we talk about the huge health benefits from replacing the toxic, dangerous kerosene lamps with the solar powered electric lights we have provided.

A new promotion by MyGivingCircle is offering a share in new grants if we receive enough votes!!! Will you vote for us please?

Even better, would you also consider becoming a regular donor to LionAid? It helps us enormously when we know we can rely on regular funding as we continue fighting for lions. 

There is a lot of work still to be done and it is your wonderful donations that enable us to do it. So thank you to all of you who have supported us and a specially big thank you to those who continue to do so every month. 

And let's not forget the fight to bring in a UK ban on the import of hunting trophies from endangered and vulnerable species.

 Over 12 years now we have been trying to get this Bill passed into law! We nearly succeeded the last time but pro trophy hunting members of the Lords were able to filibuster and the Bill stalled by running out of time!! Just as those Lords intended.

So we start all over again with a new Labour Government. The one hope on the horizon is that some of the key pro hunting adversaries in the Lords may no longer be there when this latest Bill reaches the upper chamber for approval. We can only hope!!!

The fight goes on! Please support us in our work. Thank you for your kindness.

Add a comment | Posted by Chris Macsween at 11:41