Our Lion Conservation Objectives

Lions Are At Risk

Lions are the top predator in ecosystems. Lose lions and lose ecosystem stability and function. Lions are already extinct in 25 African nations and clinging to survival in a further 10 in small and scattered populations.

This means that only 14 African countries have lions today. To lose the lion in Africa would be considered as another in our long list of failures to keep natural populations of large predators alive. Conservationists say most natural populations of lions will be gone in the next ten to twenty years - hunted, poisoned, speared, trapped, slaughtered. If things don't change. LionAid are working to make things really change. In the past 50 years existing approaches to lion conservation have allowed 185,000 lions to become bleached bones or tanned skins. This is why LionAid are taking a different approach with new ideas and new ways to protect and conserve the remaining 15,000 lions.

LionAid - Doing things differently to Save Lions

A new approach is clearly needed, and LionAid is committed to identifying solutions that WILL make a difference. We have identified the following priorities: