Image Galleries for LionAid Campaigns
These galleries show images from LionAid Campaigns.
Draw Out The Lion In You Campaign
Fiona Tande is skydiving for lions
Grow your own Mane
Hillary Olomi is skydiving for lions
How to put on a Ladies Maasai Beaded Bracelet
Innovative predator/livestock conflict mitigation pilot programme in Kenya
Jeff Langum "The Langum Lion"
John Loizides - Torbay Half Marathon
New Ways Forward for Lion Conservation in Zambia and Kenya
Oliver Timms 26 mile Trekathon
Online artwork auction ending 25th February at 18.00 GMT
Paintballing Day on the 22nd July 2010
Tanzania: Rift Valley Masai Trek
Upcoming twitter auction in aid of LIONAID
Wildlife Xpo Alexandra Palace 14/15th October
World Lion Day in Zambia
Worldwide Movers Africa
Jon, Martin, Guiseppe,Andrew and Grant set off

15 miles down en route to Dover
Jon, Martin, Guiseppe, Andrew and Grant decided to cycle from London to Bruges (with an overnight stop in Dunkirk) to raise money and awareness for Lion Aid. A great challenge for them all, to raise money to help our work to save lions.
This gallery catalogues in pictures the journey they have undertaken. The total distance of the ride is close to 180 miles - please donate generously!
Thank you guys! You are the best!