Image Galleries for LionAid Campaigns

These galleries show images from LionAid Campaigns.

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A well earned restWe've arrived in Dover. Belgium here we comeCrossing the Channel on the ferry from DoverArriving in BelgiumOne behind the other!
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Displaying thumbnails 3 to 7 out of 11

Crossing the Channel on the ferry from Dover

Crossing the Channel on the ferry from Dover

92 miles done, in oppressive heat. Stretching it out on the Ferry.

LeoLites Cycle ride from London to Bruges

Jon, Martin, Guiseppe, Andrew and Grant decided to cycle from London to Bruges (with an overnight stop in Dunkirk) to raise money and awareness for Lion Aid. A great challenge for them all, to raise money to help our work to save lions.

This gallery catalogues in pictures the journey they have undertaken. The total distance of the ride is close to 180 miles - please donate generously!

Thank you guys! You are the best!